Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The butterfly garden has started to bloom: zinnias, salvia, gaillardia in tones of red and orange, blumbago in light blue. The Muhly grass will bloom purple in fall. It looks like the coral honeysuckle in the background is growing but not doing much blooming yet.
The driveway has a coating whose color matches the roof.
Two of the sabal palms start leafing out again.

Blue verbena between the two European fan palms which will eventually hide the ugly pipes in the front yard.

Our canary date palm behind the lanai.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Laundry Room

Five of the showroom cabinets did not fit in our kitchen but provide great storage in the laundry room.

Kitchen Island

Wooden dowels will keep the plates apart. This part of the island faces the cooktop.

As you can see, the cabinets on this side of the island are lighter in color than the other cabinets. The cabinets facing the cooktop are creamy white.

Sandhill cranes

Lunch: delicious grubs in sand- and claypit

Friday, April 25, 2008

Winter in The Legacy of Leesburg


Up by the pond

lake 92 The pond is rainwater collected in an old clay pit. The clay was exported to Europe, but this business never really took off. The next adventures were citrus trees, many of them killed in a series of cold snaps, some have survived. Before the "active adults over 55" moved in, the area was pasture land for wild looking cracker cattle. Our house is the first white spot from the left.

Down by the river

river walk sm swamp 97Palatkaha creek runs through part of The Legacy of Leesburg. This is THE Florida I like.

Still a work in progress

So much more to do ...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The perfect garage floor

This garage floor was our son's idea and great work together with his father.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Garage Door

One of the garages now has a screen door that moves up like the garage door.
The screen keeps bugs out and lets breezes cool the room.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sandhill Cranes

Butterfly garden in backyard corner with view of conservation area. The sandlot is the unsold property next to ours. Backyard a year ago

Front yard a year ago

Front yard today with sabal palms, small kumquat tree and live oak. The green house is our neighbor's.