Saturday, March 28, 2009


Rarotonga is located in the South Pacific Bible Belt. Big sturdy churches are part of life. If you don't belong, you don't belong anywhere because their influence is considerable. We went to the service - like all tourists - for the singing. Spectators were ushered upstairs. The left side of the downstairs pews was completely taken up by a visiting church group from Tahiti. They did a nice job singing - until we heard the two Rarotongan choirs. Even the Tahitians who are used to excellent church singing listened with their mouths open at the high quality, power and rhythm of the local mixed choir. This is the outside of the church. After the service, we were invited to join everybody in the community hall for a snack. The older ladies kept on singing and praying on the community hall porch.
Another of the many churches

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